Effective solutions for every aspect of litigation, regardless of size or resources

So often, attorneys only consider litigation help when looking at going to trial. However, utilizing a consultant can be helpful at almost any point in the lifespan of your litigation. We offer solutions for:

Information is your greatest weapon when entering the courtroom. Through the use of online and live focus groups and mock trials you can build a better understanding of what issues and arguments are best received by potential jurors. Giving you a competitive edge.

Focus groups, performed at the outset of litigation, help to hone the arguments you will later make. Mock trials allow you to then test how your creation of those arguments are received

Our experience in conducting both online and live research events brings you the best insights for your case, even during the middle of a pandemic.

The sooner a consultant can be brought in, the sooner decisions can be made that will have maximum positive impact when you get in front of a jury. Click below to learn more about our research services.

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Client and witness meltdowns during deposition, or while on the stand, can singlehandedly scuttle the hard work you’ve put into your case. Prevent it by giving them the tools they need to succeed.

Effective persuasion in story telling is an exercise in telling and receiving. Prudent jury selection manages the receiving aspect. Working with your client and witnesses, both character and expert, to prepare them for trial helps them to not only tell their story in the most effective manner possible, but also to be more capable of withstanding the pressures of deposition and cross examination.

Click below to learn more about our witness and client prep services.

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Have you ever found yourself wanting to yell at your client because they seem to be constantly sabotaging themselves and the work you’ve done?

Are you worried about how the jury will perceive your client based on their behavior?

Is your client generally making life harder for you and themselves through their actions?

We have almost two decades’ experience in uncovering and understanding the hidden motivations that drive clients to act in ways that prevent them from getting the full benefit of your counsel. Through our intervention, you can see your client’s presentation improve and the possibility of an optimal outcome increase tremendously.

Click below for more information on how to help your clients help themselves.

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Prudent jury selection alone won’t win your case, ineffective jury selection can certainly lose it.

Effective jury selection starts well before venire packets are received. We work with our clients to formulate juror profiles and juror questionnaires that will give you am edge when entering voir dire with a plan and an edge in choosing your jury. We have significant experience in researching jurors prior to trials so as to make voir dire less of a fishing expedition and more of a targeted exercise in finding the best people to hear your case.

In instances where venire packets are received only hours or minutes before voir dire starts, we are experienced in helping you make decisions based upon years of research and experience in juror decision making tendencies and can help you make prudent exclusions even with minimal research into each juror.

Click below to learn more about how we leverage years of research and experience into helping you pick the best jury in any circumstance.

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Are you ready to optimize your client’s outcomes?

The power of research and knowledge is available for litigation of any size.

Let’s Get Started!